Saturday, April 30, 2011

VanGogh Style Marker Drawings

Andrew Jackson

What kind of marks did Van Gogh make? Dots, dashes, swirls, woven lines, horizontal and vertical marks. The challenge for this assignment was to make a marker drawing using two or three of the "Van Gogh marks". It was quite challenging, but the students achieved some remarkable results.

Ariel Walter

Daniel Kingsley

Macey Merrit

Drew Shaffer

Sydney Hill

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Colored Pencil Drawings

The Electro-Magnetic Spectrum
by Maria Hudock

by Tiffany Hulslander

Charge by Bethany Carpenter

Attention by Shannon Rightmire

Incoming by Mackenzie Warner

Inspiration by Kristy Shadduck
The Kid can Handle It by Sam Perri
Eye Want It by Annalis Tilley Bowl of Cherries by Erin McDonald

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Throwing on the Wheel

Sculpture & Pottery students are taking turns throwing on the wheel. Some are getting quite good at it. There is only way to do this -- try, try again. The first efforts at this will never be awesome, and we all have to make a few flops. After a while, if you stick with it, they get better -- like the one above!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Pariscraft Sculptures

by Vanessa Toomery
& Andrew Jackson

by Savannah Dakos

Monday, April 4, 2011

Featured Artist

Quilting Bee

by Daniel Kingsley


Lancaster Room

by Daniel Kingsley


Bringing in the Sheaves

by Daniel Kingsley


Daniel Kingsley is a very talented artist in Art I this year. The painting above he completed, start to finish at home as an extra credit assignment. He has many very specific interests that he explores through art from every angle. He is especially interested in Pennsylvania Dutch and Amish culture.

Guest Potter

As part of her senior project, high school student Jordan Kennedy (left) is demonstrating pottery techniques to interested art students at Rowe.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Mr. Brushy and another Pariscraft Sculpture

Mr. Brushy
by Kaillee, Colleen, and Savannah

The large sculpture is called Mr. Brushy. This was created by students at my request to help students remember how to care for brushes. His permanent home is by the art room sink, next to a poem (or song, if you sing it)

Mr. Brushy is your friend
You must wash him again and again
But do not store him upside down,
Or his smile becomes a frown.
On the House
by Abigail Beck & Giulianna DeSisti

Friday, April 1, 2011

Bubble Gum Lamp

Dubble Bubble Lamp
by Dustin Hill

This is an optional assignment: Create a working lamp from found objects or art supplies. This is the first finished project -- a bubble gum lamp. It is made out of a wooden box in which dozens of gumballs were glued to. The lamp shade is made from a Dubble Bubble bucket. It creates a very striking effect.



by Taylor Conrad


Eighth grade art classes are making self-portraits in charcoal. I thought this one was exceptionally well done.